List of all HTML tags

Assalamu Alaikum. How are things going for everyone? I'm OK, and I hope you are as well. I haven't been able to post in a long time owing to a test, but I expect to be able to do so again soon. Usually, I'll write about websites and programming. I began at the beginning. In today's session, I'll go over HTML syntax and HTML tags (HTML tags).

HTML Syntax:

An angle bracket (>) surrounds HTML tags, which includes keywords that determine how the webpage's content will be presented. HTML Tags are represented by these two symbols (>) and (/>). The first tag is known as the (>) opening tag or starts tag, while the second tag is known as the (/>) closing tag or end tag.

Tags can be divided into two ways:

1. Single tags: Single tags are HTML tags that do not have any closing tags and just contain opening tags. Br> tags, for example, are used to create line breaks. There are no closing tags on it. <br> Tags such as image>, link>, and hr>, as well as a single HTML tag. There are no closing tags on these tags.
2. Container tags: Container tags are HTML tags that include both opening and closing tags, as well as the material between the two tags. h2>....../h2>, p> ............../p> and so forth.

Functional area of tag:

If an opening tag is used at the start of a document and is followed by a closing tag at any point in the document, the tag will stay valid until the closing tag is supplied. The argument will be clearer if an example is given. As an illustration: The US The fact that United is underlined in this statement but States is not is normal since I included the closing tag after United when I created the code. u>United States of America/u>. However, notice how this text, United States, is totally underlined since I put the code in this manner: u> the United States /u> I'm hoping that the tag will be effective from start to finish. Those who don't get it should send me a Facebook message.

List of all HTML tags (All HTML Tags List)

Tag nameDescription of the tag
<!–…...–> For writing comments.
<!DOCTYPE> To tell the browser what kind of document it is.
<html>…..….</html> To refer to HTML documents
<head>…....</head> Specifies the head part of the HTML document.
<title>…..…</title> To indicate the title of the document, it is displayed in the title bar of the browser.
<body>..…</body> Anything written inside the body tag will be displayed on the web page.
<b>….....</b> To make the text bold.
<em>...….</em> To emphasize the text.
<i>…....</i> To make a text italic.
<small>..…</small> To minimize any text
<big>...…</big> To enlarge the text
<blink>…......</blink> Display text once, not again
To express special statements
<strike>…...</strike> To make cut marks in the middle of the text
<del>..….</del> To make cut marks in the middle of the text
<strong>..…</strong> To make the text bold
<a>…........</a> This is an anchor tag that is used to create links
<img>….......</img> Used to attach images
<abbr>….........</abbr> Used in the case of short words
<samp>….........</samp> To show a subject as a sample
<code>…......</code> Use to write a particular sentence in Fixed-Width format
<form>.....….</form> To create any form
This indicates the heading. It ranges from h1 to h6
<table>…...</table> Used to make tables
No tags are used to create divisions
<row>.….</row> Used to create any row or row
<col>…....</col> Used to create any column
<tr>…....</tr> Used to create table rows
<td>......….</td> Used to make table cells
<th>.....…..</th> Used to create table headings
<hr/> Used to create parallel lines to the ground
<input>…........</input> Used to create any type of input field
<list>….....…</list> Used to create lists
<ol>…........</ol> Used to create order lists
<ul>….......</ul> Used to create un-order lists
<u>…....</u> Used for underlining
<sub>….....</sub> Used to lower a text a little
<sup>…....……</sup> Used to place a text a little higher
…….... Used to frame a web page
<p>…...…</p> Used to create paragraphs
<style>.....……</style> Used to style web pages
<font>…......</font> Used to determine font size and color
<br/> Used to break lines
<marquee>…...........…</marquee> Used to create moving text
<pre>….......</pre> On the one hand it is used to create poetic lines

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