Is physical intercourse between husband and wife permissible while fasting?

Assalamu Alaikum,  

Ala I hope everything is going well for everyone. Alhamdulillah, I am also extremely excellent in your prayers. Anyway, I'm not going to get into too much detail regarding the post.

Many of you may have seen the post's title and recognized that I'm going to talk about something today. I'm going to tell you if the wife breaks the fast during intercourse today. I'm hoping that everyone reads my post today. Please like and comment if you enjoy it.

Breaking the fast and becoming maroon have their own set of causes. The desire to have intercourse with one's wife is one of the motivations for breaking the fast. It's written in a series of tiny volumes. There is insufficient justification for this. We should be aware of all possible reasons.

A few Hadith occurrences can be used to overcome such a situation. Many people believe that when fasting, one should not kiss or kiss another. This is also a misunderstanding. Let's exclude such a concept from an upcoming event.

A story: -> The Prophet (s) was sitting in the mosque one day. Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) approached him unexpectedly and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have done a grave error." What did you do wrong, said the Prophet (peace be upon him)? He said that when his wife was fasting, he kissed her. 'Do you know that you drink very little water when conducting ablution?' remarked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Yes, he said. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then said, "Why do you still wash your hands when fasting?" He said that no prayer is complete without ablution. That is why I wash my hands."If you have to do ablution to conduct the prayer, then where is the crime if you kiss your wife to satisfy her?" said the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Kissing with the aim of pleasing the wife is acceptable in Shariah, according to this occurrence.

Let's speak about how to keep a husband and wife together. Yes, you may be together indefinitely, but there are certain restrictions. The fast of a male will be broken if sexual intercourse generates ejaculation (ejaculation is a sticky substance that comes out of the vagina). As a result, during fasting, the husband and wife should not be alone for lengthy periods of time.

Even if the husband or wife is fasting, this norm must be followed.

Many of us have a good understanding of how to break the fast. Everyone, in fact, should be informed.

I presented another example with a faulty assumption. Many of us believe that water enters the body after a long bath. As a result, the fast has come to an end. When you take a bath in the pond, something occurs. All of them are misunderstandings. Water becomes lodged inside the fur during bathing, according to the examination. The body is cooled. The water then emerges once the body has been washed. As a result, breaking the fast is out of the question. Furthermore, anything can be done to promote physical well-being. It was not forbidden by God. For a variety of reasons, we believe the misunderstanding is valid.

May Allah, on the other hand, provide us the proper understanding.

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