Is it beneficial for Google to crawl and index my entire website?

What happens if the search engine indexes all of the articles, pages, categories, and pagination? You authored 20 pages in all, yet search engines index almost 200 pages. Is that good for a website's SEO? Let's get this straight.

When it comes to page ranking, SEO is critical, but which sites should be prioritized?

Is it often on your mind which pages should be indexed and which should be noindexed in order to increase page rank? Read this article all the way through to have a full understanding of everything. 

To do so, you must first comprehend the factors that Google considers when ranking websites.

  1. Content that is genuine, clean, and error-free.
  2. In the case of English, the language used must be very basic; avoid using difficult terms so that anybody can read it.
  3. Only index one thing at a time, which means no garbage or duplicate material.
  4. Permissions in Robots.txt,
  5. etc.

These are some fundamental considerations to bear in mind. We're talking about which pages should be indexed by search engines.

It would be ideal if you concentrated your efforts on indexing of

  1. Homepage.
  2. Static Pages.
  3. Post pages.

1. Homepage: 

This entry point is typically used by search engines, hence it must be indexed. A crawling bot may access the site from any place, but the homepage is the most useful of all. 

2. Static Pages:

Link your website to other topics and other places. Please keep in mind that we're talking about static pages here, not categories or tag pages because such pages (category, archive, or tag pages) contain the same contents as posts.

3. Post pages:

These are the ones that should be indexed the most. Posts are unique pieces of material that you have authored or generated. This should be indexed and connected to the rest of the website's content. 

What is no index, and when should you use it? 

What to be no index is also a significant topic. The following is a list of resources.

  • Category pages
  • Tags pages
  • Archive pages
  • Error pages
  • Attached are the Media files of the website.
The same h2 tags with paragraphs p> tags inside a linked post appear on the category, tags, and archive pages. It will be counted as duplicate material by the search engine. To circumvent this, use the robots noindex, and follow the meta tag. This enables search engine bots to completely scan websites.

When to noindex: When your page or post duplicates other pages or posts, you can utilize noindex. For instance, suppose you have a category page called "SEO" and another called "SEO Tips." Then there are eight common feed posts on both of these sites. Because there are eight common feed posts, the search engine will consider this duplicate material. That's why category sections have noindex.

You can noindex archive, tags, and error pages in the same way. However, for better SEO results, you must now interlink all of the articles.

Everyone wants organic traffic, therefore they use a variety of SEO techniques to improve their site. Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO, and a slew of others, depending on the platform.

To crawl, index, and noindex material in a Blogger blog, you may use robots meta tags and robots.txt.

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